NoCAB 1.1 (svn 221)
There is a newer version of this content available. Please use version 2.1.4 for new games.
Content Id | ai/4e434142/0559e8ea |
Name | NoCAB |
Project site | |
Version | 1.1 (svn 221) |
Upload date | 2009-01-29T19:23:52+00:00 |
MD5 (partial) | 0559e8ea |
License | GPL v2 |
Download availability | Only for savegames |
Compatibility |
Dependencies | |
Authors | |
Description |
The old version of NoCAB revamped to work with the new NoAI framework. Work will now be done to rewrite parts of the AI to include support for trains and trams and additional features like upgrading existing routes. |