NoCAB 2.0.6
There is a newer version of this content available. Please use version 2.1.4 for new games.
Content Id | ai/4e434142/3540271e |
Name | NoCAB |
Project site | |
Version | 2.0.6 |
Upload date | 2010-04-22T10:52:45+00:00 |
MD5 (partial) | 3540271e |
License | GPL v2 |
Download availability | Only for savegames |
Compatibility |
Dependencies | |
Authors | |
Description |
NoCAB is a competitive AI that tries to compete with other AIs and human players. If features a custom pathfinder and data structures for maximal performance. It can handle trains, road vehicles, aircraft, and ships. Update: 2.0.6: Updated NoCAB to the 1.0 API version. Made the building of the HQ optional. Make sure ships don't get lost. Enjoy! :) |