WmDOT 13
There is a newer version of this content available. Please use version 14 for new games.
Content Id | ai/7d7d6d57/d8260b98 |
Name | WmDOT |
Project site | http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=65&t=53698 |
Version | 13 |
Upload date | 2014-03-10T22:09:07+00:00 |
MD5 (partial) | d8260b98 |
License | Custom |
Download availability | Only for savegames |
Compatibility |
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Authors | |
Description |
An AI that doesn't compete with you but rather builds out the highway network. Our (*new*) revenue stream is transporting offshore oil to oil refineries. v13 - speed up Ship Pathfinder v11 - Freeways!! v10 - dynamically add ships v9 - supports all of FIRS' water industries v8 - bug fixes and minor improvements v7 - adds Operation Hibernia (transport oil from Oil Rigs to Oil Refineries); |