OpenGFX2 Classic 0.1
There is a newer version of this content available. Please use version 0.7 for new games.
Content Id | base-graphics/6f676678/5896b7fb |
Name | OpenGFX2 Classic |
Project site | |
Version | 0.1 |
Upload date | 2023-08-25T08:09:39+00:00 |
MD5 (partial) | 5896b7fb |
License | GPL v2 |
Download availability | Only for savegames |
Compatibility |
Dependencies |
Authors | |
Description |
OpenGFX base graphics set v2. An "OpenGFX director's edition" redrawn or revised from my original source files. (Mostly) by Zephyris, standing on the shoulders of the OpenGFX team. |