OpenGFX2 Classic 0.5
There is a newer version of this content available. Please use version 0.7 for new games.
Content Id | base-graphics/6f676678/b3c8e214 |
Name | OpenGFX2 Classic |
Project site | |
Version | 0.5 |
Upload date | 2024-01-19T16:27:04+00:00 |
MD5 (partial) | b3c8e214 |
License | Custom |
Download availability | Only for savegames |
Compatibility |
Dependencies |
Authors | |
Description |
OpenGFX2 pixel art style base graphics set for OpenTTD. "Classic" 8-bit 1x zoom (64px per tile) edition. An "OpenGFX director's edition" redrawn or revised from my original OpenGFX source files. (Mostly) by Zephyris, standing on the shoulders of the OpenGFX team. |