Cargo Tracker - Xmas 1.11

Content Idgame-script/4354524b/1b6fd590
NameCargo Tracker - Xmas
Project site
Upload date2024-11-25T14:21:34+00:00
MD5 (partial)1b6fd590
LicenseGPL v2
Download Available ingame
  • Vanilla OpenTTD: >= 14.0
  • GerrardGB
Description Tracks two cargoes in the goals; for each company and an overall total.

The two cargoes to track can be set in the settings using the appropriate cargo ID number.

Supplies to the factories for the tracked cargoes can also be tracked.

The script goes through each industry that accepts those cargoes, and queries how much each company has delivered to each one, totaling it up at the start of each month.
Therefore, performance might drop if the cargo chosen has a lot of industries that accept that cargo.