Simple City Builder 2017.11.11
There is a newer version of this content available. Please use version 2025.03.07 for new games.
Content Id | game-script/534d4342/d656bd3d |
Name | Simple City Builder |
Project site | |
Version | 2017.11.11 |
Upload date | 2017-11-11T10:53:18+00:00 |
MD5 (partial) | d656bd3d |
License | GPL v2 |
Download availability | Only for savegames |
Compatibility |
Dependencies |
Authors | |
Description |
Simple City Builder by The Dude of Novapolis team Easily configured city builder script. - Choose what cargos towns will require to grow (up to all 64 cargos if defined) - Claim towns by placing company headquaters - Deliver cargo to your town to grow it - ECS, FIRS, XIS and YETI supported |