Beginner Tutorial 11

There is a newer version of this content available. Please use version 17 for new games.

Content Idgame-script/5455545f/5b331d85
NameBeginner Tutorial
Project site
Upload date2012-12-09T22:12:28+00:00
MD5 (partial)5b331d85
LicenseGPL v2
Download availability Only for savegames
  • Zuu
Description This is the Script part of the Beginner Tutorial. It's actually here most of the logic sits. The scenario is just a ... scenario to ensure that you get a good start. :-)

Feedback or helping out is welcome.

Ensure you download both this script, the scenario named "Beginner Tutorial" and the AI named "Beginner Tutorial - Ship AI". Then click on play scenario in the start menu to play the tutorial.