AveiMil's PIGM 0.2

There is a newer version of this content available. Please use version 0.5.1 for new games.

Content Idnewgrf/41560101/55bfad44
Set Mixed
Palette 8bpp
HasHighRes No
HasSoundEffects No
NameAveiMil's PIGM
Project site http://tinyurl.com/avepigm
Upload date2010-11-15T21:04:41+00:00
MD5 (partial)55bfad44
Download availability Only for savegames
  • AveiMil
Description AveiMil's Possibly Improved Gameplay Mod! Not a simple base costs mod but a mod designed to make the game balanced and challenging. The goal is to make all methods of transportation financially viable and have the map dictate which transportation method is more profitable.

Join in and compete on the forums with other human players playing with predefined comparable settings! View the URL for more details.

NewGRF Last updated 15.11.2010