Tea Tea Deluxe 1.2.0

There is a newer version of this content available. Please use version 1.4.1 for new games.

Content Idnewgrf/42570101/9b782940
Set Mixed
Palette 8bpp
HasHighRes No
HasSoundEffects No
NameTea Tea Deluxe
Project site https://notabug.org/tinyrabbit/tea-tea-deluxe
Upload date2022-12-22T18:39:38+00:00
MD5 (partial)9b782940
LicenseGPL v2
Download Only for savegames
  • bjornwarmedal
Description Tea Tea Deluxe adds tea to OpenTTD!

Tea tree farms produce tea leaves. Deliver them to tea factories asap. The luxurious Tea Tea Deluxe is created in the factories and enjoyed in teahouses in civilised cities.

Version 1.2.0 adds custom train carriages, and should therefore work on older versions of the game that don't have refittable goods wagons.