The Dutch Signal Set

Content Idnewgrf/454e1e01
Set Rail Station
Palette 8bpp
HasHighRes No
HasSoundEffects No
NL Netherlands / Western Europe / Europe
UN-150 Europe
NameThe Dutch Signal Set
Project site
  • EratoNysiad
Description A newgrf for signals as they're used in the Netherlands, including ATB-NG beacons, eurobalises, and speed signs and more as programmable signals.

New signals require JGR's patch pack.
Version Upload date MD5 (partial) License Download
1.0.1 2024-05-26T10:59:35+00:00 f9dc1765 GPL v3 Available ingame
1.0 2023-10-19T23:44:31+00:00 ba87e3ef CC-BY v3.0 Only for savegames