Torne valley town names 0.5

There is a newer version of this content available. Please use version 0.54 for new games.

Content Idnewgrf/464c0101/33b0313c
Set Townname
Palette 8bpp
HasHighRes No
HasSoundEffects No
NameTorne valley town names
Project site
Upload date2018-07-30T11:22:10+00:00
MD5 (partial)33b0313c
LicenseGPL v3
Download Only for savegames
  • FredrichL
Description Town names from the Torne valley (Tornedalen) in the most northern parts of Sweden.

Contains real names as well as generated names. You can choose either real, fictional or a combination in game options. I recommend the latter or the first so as not to run out of names.