Hybrid Trains 0.3.0

There is a newer version of this content available. Please use version 1.1.2 for new games.

Content Idnewgrf/474c0101/bd8d04ea
Set Train
Palette 8bpp
HasHighRes No
HasSoundEffects No
NameHybrid Trains
Project site https://github.com/DonaldDuck313/OpenTTD-NewGRFs/tree/main/HybridTrains
Upload date2021-04-09T16:28:32+00:00
MD5 (partial)bd8d04ea
LicenseGPL v2
Download availability Only for savegames
  • DonaldDuck313
Description This NewGRF contains two hybrid electric/diesel locomotives and one hybrid electric/battery locomotive. They can run in diesel/battery mode on non-electrified tracks, but are more powerful and have a cheaper running cost when run in electric mode on electrified tracks.

Graphics are based on the Millenium Z1 by the OpenGFX team, licensed under the GPL v2.