Split 1

There is a newer version of this content available. Please use version 2 for new games.

Content Idscenario/00000875/eaf9e8bd
Shape Rectangle
TerrainType Mountainous
Size Large
Climate Temperate
Project site http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=60&t=61378
Upload date2012-06-19T19:15:39+00:00
MD5 (partial)eaf9e8bd
LicenseGPL v2
Download availability Only for savegames
  • Zuu
Description In this scenario you start out at one main island with all primary industries but the only available secondary industry are two steel mills. To gain access to the other secondary industries, you have to complete the goal of getting a high enough total monthly production of the steel mills.

Industries: no new industries are spawned
Vehicle types: Road + Rail
NewGRFs: OpenGFX+
Depends on: Split scenario GS, a few OpenGFX+ NewGRFs

Author: Zuu