Islands of Quandaya

Content Idscenario/000009c9
Shape Square
TerrainType Very Flat
Size Normal
Climate Sub Tropical
NameIslands of Quandaya
Project site
  • surferconor425
Description ---English---
The Islands of Quandaya have just gained independence from the British Empire. In the middle of the pacific, this struggling island needs more industry and more importantly, a transport company.
Øerne Quandaya har netop opnåede uafhængighed fra det britiske imperium. I midten af ​​Stillehavet, skal denne kæmper ø mere industri og endnu vigtigere, et transportselskab.

Please Note this Island is fictional
Bemærk venligst denne ø er opdigtet
Version Upload date MD5 (partial) License Download availability
0.0.3 2013-01-20T12:48:46+00:00 93319478 GPL v3 Available ingame