Temporal8 Real Industries 32bpp

Content Idnewgrf/54454d39
Set Industry
Palette 32bpp
HasHighRes Yes
HasSoundEffects No
NameTemporal8 Real Industries 32bpp
Project site https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=87622
  • Temporal8
Description This is the beta version of my industries set, I recommend using it with my 32bpp townset named "Real Houses Townset" for a better 32bpp experience.

It is only a Beta version and some things need to be polished / fixed, the Oil Rig for example, does not work in this version.

Version Upload date MD5 (partial) License Download
Beta 4 2024-06-30T21:03:13+00:00 bbb71a84 Custom Available ingame
Beta 3 2023-04-23T19:16:09+00:00 8668e91d Custom Only for savegames
Beta2 2022-10-08T14:08:34+00:00 c26d2c44 Custom Only for savegames
Beta 2022-08-05T00:53:44+00:00 afe23ef9 Custom Only for savegames