Temporal8 Real Industries 32bpp Beta 4.0.3

Content Idnewgrf/54454d39/d34e6b9d
Set Industry
Palette 32bpp
HasHighRes Yes
HasSoundEffects No
NameTemporal8 Real Industries 32bpp
Project site https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=90183
VersionBeta 4.0.3
Upload date2025-03-07T23:35:19+00:00
MD5 (partial)d34e6b9d
Download availability Available ingame
  • Temporal8
Description Beta version of my industries set, Use with "Real Houses Townset" for a better 32bpp experience.

Changelog 4.0.3:Performance improvements when zooming out. It's still not perfect but it's a step forward.

Changelog 4.0.2:

- Adjusted Payment rates and Production values.
- Adjusted industries distance to towns.
- Players cargo its working now.
- Some Industries now produce by default, Qualified Workers increase the production, and Heavy Vehicles even more.